Face Hiromassage is an extremely efficient and relaxing Spanish massage treatment focusing on face, neck and decoltee. Massage is carried out only manually.
Massage is carried out only manually with a special face massage oil taking into consideration specific skin concerns. The massage is highly stimulating for skin cells and facial muscles and often talked about as a manual facelift. The treatment will tone and tighten back the skin and little laughing lines will diminsh considerably.
The Hiro facial massage with lymph stimulation will help your body to detoxify and boost its immunity threshold. The treatment includes massaging your face, neck and back of the head with gentle and slow motions which stimulate the lymph system efficiently. The effects of the massage are deep-felt, making your skin feel and appear younger. It is also a perfect way to alleviate stress, thus improving your mood significantly. The treatment deters facial bloating, dark circles, and lymph disorders and helps with migraine, stress, facial rashes, tinnitus, and burns. It is also suitable as pre- and post-op treatment for facioplasty.