Program Description
Our body is aging as a complex biological system, which, thanks to the so-called direct direct and feedback connections, can adapt very perfectly to the environment and exist for a long time with incoming changes in individual cells and organs.
We have always and everywhere searched for what is weakened, disturbed in the aging process and did not fix attention on the less important — what is mobilized, activated with age in the anti-aging process. The balance of aging and anti-aging processes determines the longevity of life. Scientists from different countries claim that human health is 60-75% determined by lifestyle, environment, working conditions, etc.
The increase in life expectancy is determined by:
- Active lifestyle
- Active intelligent mode
- Emotional mood
- A full-fledged diet
- Sufficient amount of vitamins
- Antioxidants
Each program is adapted depending on the number of days and nights of accommodation provided to vacationers. The choice of the module is possible from 10 to 14 nights if you book a room. Medical examinations and procedures vary depending on the booking period. Detailed information about each program and the amount of information or procedures entered can also be found in the price list or program module.
Each program is tailored to the number of days and nights spent by the vacationer. Relaxation module choose pick up is possible from 7 to 17 nights if you book a room. Quotes and procedures vary depending on the booking period. Details of each program and the number of input details or procedures can also be found in the price list or program module.
Relax Programa
7-9 ღამე
10-13 ღამე
14-17 ღამე
Medical Personnel Services
Medical Test
სამედიცინო პროცედურების შესახებ ინფორმაციისთვის დაგვიკავშირდით — 036 7 22 29 77
სამედიცინო პროცედურების დაჯავშნა