Paraffin therapy is a method of thermotherapy using heated paraffin as a heat carrier. Paraffin has a high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity, that is, it emits heat very slowly. The temperature of the lower tissues in the area of paraffin application increases by 1-3°C. During heating, the blood flow increases due to the expansion of capillaries.
Mud therapy indications are:
* As a result of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (diseases of joints, ligaments and muscles, contracture, osteomyelitis);
* Diseases of the nervous system (as a result of closed injuries of the brain, sciatica, neuritis) and connective tissue (promote the healing process)
* Diseases of the digestive system (peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum during exacerbation.
* chronic gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis);
* Diseases of male and female genital organs.
The course of paraffin therapy consists of 5-10 sessions, depending on the indications of the disease. It is effective in combination with physical therapy, exercise therapy, and massage and is most effective as part of complex therapy.
There are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a doctor beforehand.